Biochar can achieve permanent carbon storage for centuries to millennia.
We focus on large-scale carbon emissions and support local companies in identifying opportunities for carbon monetisation, demonstrating the benefits of a net-zero future for all.
Supporting companies in their path to net-zero
Using biochar, we take a measured (over modelled) approach to put an exact figure on the carbon we remove.
The carbon we remove is an asset - locked away for hundreds of years while improving soil quality, treating water and reducing methane.
Origination straight from the source creates transparency for buyers, so credits stand up against scrutiny.
Projects are modernising and scaling biochar production to diversify application and achieve significant operational advantages.
Why work with Biocare?
What we do
Biocare offers a comprehensive premium service to convert waste biomass streams into high-quality biochar that permanently stores sequestered carbon.
Our global portfolio of projects produces permanent, measurable, and scalable CDR. This CDR can be retired by your organisation to neutralise residual emissions and claim a high-quality contribution to environmental sustainability on your journey to net zero.

Feasible, customisable biochar solutions that are accessible to more businesses
Co-benefit + Environmental impact + Industry transformation
Greater clarity around high-integrity credits
Proven, effective solutions
We recognise the urgency to move our economies towards net zero and Biocare is at the forefront of projects which are setting the benchmark for how industries can approach the transition to net-zero.
Action-biased solutions driving carbon removal

Our in-house engineering and project development team are experts in developing flexible, scalable carbon removal solutions.
All of our projects feature co-benefits aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.
We partner with the leading science in carbon removal methods to provide confidence in the security and permanence of all carbon removal activities.
We are continually evaluating new technologies and methods to achieve practical and scalable carbon removal.
Biocare is developing 10+ projects, representing more than 300,000 tonnes of annual CO2e removal
World leading Biochar and CDR solutions

Projects design, registration and implementation
Up-cycling biomass waste into a valuable commodity, biochar
Generating carbon removal credits which trade at a premium
Re-use of Biochar for agricultural and industrial purposes
Bringing over 80 years of cumulative experience in delivering end-to-end integration and expertise in biochar.
Biocare’s End-to End Project Support
In the News

What is Biochar Carbon Removal?
Biochar carbon removal (BCR), also known as Pyrogenic Carbon Capture and Storage, is a carbon-negative technology. This process involves producing biochar by subjecting biomass waste to pyrolysis and then upcycling the biochar to soils or long-lasting materials like cement or tar.
Our Solutions
We provide you access to the carbon markets ecosystem. Biocare specialises in originating and developing carbon projects that generate high integrity & measurable net carbon removals, a necessity for achieving “net-zero”.