Goal: 1,000,000 CDR p.a before 2030
Biocare’s internal CDR target
Current Portfolio: 18+ projects
6 countries with 5 different engineered reactor technologies.
Current Portfolio: ~248,000 CDRs p.a.
Projected annual issuance.
Biomass feedstocks
Our projects manage a wide range of biomass waste, including waste husks (almond, rice, coconut) and forestry residues.
At USD c.$150 CDR price
Biocare’s current portfolio will generate ~ $37m USD of annual gross marketable value
Why create a tailored carbon offset portfolio with Biocare
Have full confidence by aligning yourself with Biocare. We work to robust principles that offer enhanced accountability and transparency, giving our partners ongoing confidence - while mitigating risks.
Strong core principles
Ensure your organisation meet net-zero commitments. Biocare selects & finances the highest quality projects and technologies to ensure a diverse deployment of decarbonisation solutions
Diversity & Scalability
Consolidate 3rd party suppliers and overcome market complexities and fragmentation with Biocare. We offer a single, credible and diverse place to achieve a tailored carbon offset portfolio.
Consolidated service
Biochar is a one of the most stable and durable sources of carbon storage (300-1000 years).
We focus on large-scale carbon removal and support local companies in identifying opportunities for carbon monetisation, demonstrating the benefits of a net-zero future for all.
Supporting companies in their path to net-zero
Using biochar, we take a measured (over modelled) approach to put an exact figure on the carbon we remove.
Biocare adopts robust methodologies and testing assumptions to ensure additionality in all its projects
Origination straight from the source creates transparency for buyers, so credits stand up against scrutiny.
All removal credits are verified by a recognised crediting program which imposes strict rules to ensure premium credits.
Independently verified
How do we ensure high-integrity projects?
Some of our partners

We recognise biochar-based methodologies as a premium form of carbon removal due to it's high permanence, low risk of reversal and numerous co-benefits.
All CDR credits issued by our projects are subject to stringent third-party auditing and verification to provide confidence that they are achieving durable carbon removal and storage.
We continually assess the market for the most scientifically rigorous methodologies to align the development of our projects and guide our discussions with partners. These requirements are prioritised to minimise project risk and realise scaleable carbon removal that is backed by science.
Biocare's inhouse engineering capability uses modern technology to improve carbon market outcomes, including project efficiency, overcoming market liquidity and scale.
Pyrolysis and the production of biochar are commercially scalable methods of CDR that are designed alongside robust, scientific methodologies verified by third party organisations. Recognised by the UNFCCC and the EU; biochar is one of the few CDR technologies that also promotes numerous social co-benefits that are aligned with UN SDGs.
Biocare delivers carbon offsets from a diverse portfolio of premium carbon projects in Australia and around the world, accredited under internationally recognised standards.
Biochar project portfolio

Navigate a complex market with Biocare's support. We have the experience and capacity to understand the supply and demand dynamics of the different carbon markets to secure a predictable supply of carbon offsets. You can be confident that you are achieving real climate impact.
Find the balance between price and permanence. Our team are highly knowledgeable in carbon management methods and pricing, providing security to clients navigating the vast array of carbon project methodologies and prices. We stay up to date with all new carbon removal methods and regularly assess the best option for our clients in purchasing and selling carbon removal credits.
Demand on the global voluntary carbon credit industry is set to grow upwards of $100 billion by 2030. We recognise the nascent nature of these markets and our customers desire for as few 3rd party suppliers as possible. Biocare projects supply scaleable carbon removal credit requirements.
Biocare is a leading authority in industry working groups, and engages with multiple stakeholders — including regulators — with a focus on improving standards and enhancing market function for all participants.
We undertake extensive due diligence on the project proponent, and on any third-party transactions we provide transparency to the source of the credit supply and integrity of offset purchase.
Biocare offers end-to-end advisory on feasibility, technology, operations, financing, commissioning, project registration and compliance, marketing and sales of both carbon credit and biochar, diligence services and advisory on the end-use of biochar.
Management of risk in purchasing and retiring carbon offsets should drive the procurement strategy and is core to Biocare's value-add to our clients. Key risks that Biocare expertly manage on behalf of our clients:
Overcome market complexities and risk

Carbon removals are accurately calculated using a monitoring and verification framework and rely upon on scientific lab measurement.
Biocare is a supplier that has engineering embedded in its workforce. This enables us to adopt robust methodologies and testing assumptions to ensure additionality in all projects.
Biocare is on a mission to enable carbon projects that generate high integrity measurable net carbon removals, a necessity for achieving “net-zero”. In addition to carbon removal, biochar can also improve soil health, water quality, and crop yields.
Once biochar is created, it can store carbon for hundreds or even thousands of years in its end-use application. This stands as a premium method of carbon removal in contrast to other carbon removal methods, such as reforestation, which can only store carbon for the lifespan of the trees.
All CDR credits issued by our projects are subject to stringent third-party auditing and verification to provide confidence that they are achieving durable carbon removal and storage.
Have full confidence by aligning yourself with Biocare. We work to robust principles that offer enhanced accountability and transparency, giving our partners ongoing confidence - while mitigating risks.