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Almond Shell


Almond Shell into Premium Biochar Project

South Australia, Australia


Project Overview

Biocare has partnered with a pioneering agri-business seeking a more sustainable waste management solution.

The feedstock is processed with pyrolysis, transforming it into a high-value form of carbon used as a soil amendment for the orchard and as a livestock feed additive.


Husk and shell from an almond processing facility with a further planned expansion to include retired orchards. This project encompasses a circular approach as biochar will be used in the re-planting of orchards.


Biocare is providing a bespoke high efficiency continuous pyrolysis reactor to meet carbon registry standards and increase scale of production.

Call to Action

Reach out to our team of experts to explore how acquiring forward and/or spot otake CDRs can empower your company to achieve net-zero and contribute significantly to this value-driven initiative.

Project Summary

Carbon Registry

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Enhancing soil functionality a portion of the biochar allocated for use in the almond orchard, augmenting productivity.

Improving soil water retention almonds are a water intensive crop and biochar will reduce watering needs.

Preventing eutrophication biochar acts as a natural filter stopping nutrient seepage that aects groundwater.

Permanence of Carbon Removal

100+ years

Range of CDR price

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Biochar end use

Local almond orchard soil improvement. Livestock feed additive.


The decision to implement this project was based on the potential carbon revenue obtained from the sale of carbon dioxide removal credits. The biochar project would not be economically viable in the absence of carbon finance. To find our more about this project, please contact our marketing team.


Seeking spot or forward otake from a credible counterparty.

More Information

If you would like more information and detail, please contact us directly.

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