Supercritical has launched its marketplace for carbon removal with live pricing and availability data for 80% of the biochar market. This innovative platform aims to bring transparency to the carbon removal industry.
After an intensive due diligence process we are pleased that Biocare was vetted as one of the high-integrity projects listed in the Supercritical marketplace.
Why Biochar Matters
Biochar is currently the most cost effective and scalable permanent carbon dioxide removal (CDR) pathway. Unlike many other CDR solutions that are still in developmental stages, biochar is already scaling and represents 91% of all delivered CDR tonnes.
Listing on Supercritical
Being listed in Supercritical's marketplace not only underscores Biocare's commitment to effective climate action but also highlights the importance of transparency and quality in carbon removal efforts. By participating in this innovative platform, Biocare is helping to accelerate the adoption of scalable CDR solutions and drive meaningful environmental change.
Quote from Biocare Co-Founder and CEO Abraham Robertson
"Supercritical has proven to be one of the leading marketplaces offering transparency and reliability to buyers seeking high-quality carbon dioxide removal. We are excited to see the positive impact Supercritical will have on the carbon removal industry as it grows.’’